They do a really nice job comparing ALL TEN at once! This is quite UNLIKE what you would...and WILL....run into when you go to reference another source (as your inner-educated self should do). I came across PC Mag and PC World in my search and figured that since their magazines are pretty good reads, perhaps the sites would be very helpful. Well, I was pretty disappointed when having found that PC World had the worst! looking review site I have ever ran into! When I clicked onto their antivirus and security software review webpage, I dove into mess filled with random chatter which pertained NOTHING to Antivirus software or REVIEWS AT ALL!!!! I just couldn't really figure out what was being communicated so I scrammed out of there! It was pretty scary. I dug diligently find my way to where the info should be but ran into a deadend saying the webpage was removed (i can't even remember how to get back to that). I really wanted PC World to have this info but oh well. PC Mag had individual webpages for some of the software I researched but, as it matters most, it was not very well communicated and organized so that I can simultaneously compare all of them to find which one is the best. CNET tried to do a good job with this but failed at a critical juncture: Outdated reviews! When I sorted the listing to list reviews from best to worst, I got several Norton's in a row from 2010 version down to 2004!! When I sorted the listing to show "most recent" reviews, I just got jabbed with randomly mixed good and bad reviews, in fact with the most recent one being from 2009!! A review listing for the antivirus software wasn't much better: all outdated the same. It is only at TopTenReviews where I could get my REVIEW!!!!!!
Beyond what editors's rate the products, I read personal reviews from all the top security suites you can download at CNET (unbiased download site) that showed me that perhaps none of the suites can do the top superior job for me in order to get elected. In that case, with everyone (security suites) rated all poorly (by user reviews) and excellent (editors' reviews), I figured there may be some excitement in it if I can personally trial each of the internet security suites (but not their COMPLETE, PURE, OR TOTAL suites, just the basic internet security suite).
Onwards from here, I'll give you guys my 4-1-1 on what I thought of the security suite and how it worked for me.
The first one I tested was Norton Internet Security 2011/2012 (NIS for short).
RATING: 9.5/10
It came with one of my laptops I got earlier in the year and then redid the trial (upgrade to 2012) since I didn't get to fully use it the first time (too busy).
I'll have to admit that this Norton IS 2012, or otherwise called Norton 360, did a STAND-UP job. One unique category I list is "secrecy". That means do they share info with you about what they are doing. In fact, for Norton, the detailed listing they have of what they were scanning, the threat level, and all the info they were sharing with me was pretty sickly awesome since you never get to see that kind of stuff. The overall interface was pretty nice and comfortable (the murky orange and black isn't too nice and pleasant but that's okay I guess). I had zero problems with false positives or anything real so that's good. It wasn't too heavy on system processes so that was another bonus. I thought it was pretty wicked that they put a little module up in the upper right hand corner which is usable for all your mobile devices/backup/parental and other ecetra items. The Branding category is another unique item I forged up since it should be known that essentially everybody subconsciously chooses between items/products based on the likability of its brand. Norton is a brand that was once infamously bad but which I believe is on a strong uprise!!!! Since human trustworthiness is hard to regain (you know that saying "heals with time"), the numbers are slowly working there way back up, but still a bit down.
Okay, the next suite which I am currently on is AVG Internet Security 2012. It is just day 2 for me so this info will be updated shortly!!
RATING: BILLION/10 (just because I hope it is for the next several days protecting my PC....LOL!!)
BULKINESS: 9 (They pretty much forced me to download another software piece)
NON-SECRECY: 8 (about on average...location of infections spotted as usual)
So far, I am liking the interface and coolness of the security suite. Everything is about on par so there is nothing to complain or cheer about yet. Well, one thing is that they did a PC tune up and then had me download their AVG PC tune up software for a one-time use trial so i did it anyways but felt pretty compelled to do so. I guess it helped me out but will have to uninstall that software later (*sarcastic*: GREAT!). The branding on this is high because AVG is VERY WELL KNOWN as a freeware antivirus program. There have now been more that 300 million downloads for it and it is well liked. The internet security version is actually VERY WELL priced on ebay so it is there for the taking (which now currently has me there checking out prices and putting a little $ up for grabs; cheapest is < $10! (1-yr use))
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